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How to Terminate Your Cleaning Service Contract

July 30, 2024

Are you unhappy with the performance of your current cleaning company?

Do you want to end your contract with them and find a better option?

If you’re in this situation, you probably have some worries and questions. What if the next company is worse? Can the current service be improved? What are the steps to terminate the current company and hire a new one?

You’re not the first to face these challenges. Here are four steps to effectively transition from your existing cleaning company to a new one.

Step 1: Review Your Contract

Begin by carefully examining the contract you have with your cleaning service. Check for the contract term and note its expiration date. Understand the terms and conditions for cancellation.

Being clear about these details will help you know your options. It will enable you to plan your next steps, understand how quickly you can act, and what procedures you need to follow.

Step 2: Talk to Your Current Cleaning Company

If you’re certain about switching providers, you might skip this step. However, if there’s a chance the current company can improve, it’s worth having a serious discussion about your concerns and what you expect from their service going forward.

This doesn’t prevent you from looking for new vendors, but it might temporarily improve your situation if you don’t find a good replacement right away.

Step 3: Seek Proposals from New Cleaning Companies

Start gathering quotes from potential new cleaning services. Clearly define your expectations and provide a comprehensive scope of work to the vendors you invite to bid.

Make sure the companies you’re considering have experience with facilities similar to yours and are willing to provide references. Ask about the number of man-hours they plan to allocate so you can make accurate comparisons between bids.

After reviewing the proposals and selecting a new contractor, ask them to be ready to start early in case your current company ends service prematurely.

Step 4: Notify Your Current Cleaning Service

Most janitorial contracts require a 30-day notice for cancellation, though some may require more time. Coordinate your cancellation notice with the start date of your new company to avoid service interruptions. Ideally, arrange for the new company to be ready to step in immediately if the current provider ends services earlier than expected.

By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth transition to a new cleaning service, minimizing disruptions and maintaining a clean and pleasant work environment.